FRRC Fines & Fees Fund

Help Returning Citizens with Fines & Fees Become Eligible to Vote

In Florida, hundreds of thousands of people with past convictions are not allowed to vote solely because they don’t have enough money to pay the fines and fees associated with their convictions. The FRRC created the Fines and Fees Fund to pay those fines and fees directly so that all returning citizens, regardless of income or wealth, can participate in our democracy. 100% of your tax-deductible donation to the Fines and Fees Fund is used to pay off fines and fees. Please give whatever you can and help us spread the word!

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Your donation to Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, Inc. is tax-deductible to the maximum extent provided by law, as no goods or services have been provided as consideration for your gift. Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and has exclusive legal control over the contributed funds or assets. For your information, the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, Inc. tax-payer Identification Number is 30-0714793.